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Jules, Jacqueline, 1956-

LC control no.n 93120507
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3610.U5338
PZ7.J92947 Juvenile fiction, English
Personal name headingJules, Jacqueline, 1956-
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Variant(s)Hechtkopf, Jacqueline
Birth date19561122
Field of activityChildren's literature
Profession or occupationAuthor
Found inThe grey striped shirt, c1993: CIP t.p. (Jacqueline Jules) data sheet (b. November 22, 1956)
Jules, Jacqueline. No English, 2007: ECip t.p. (Jacqueline Jules) Data view ("Jacqueline Jules" is the pseudonym for Jacqueline Hechtkopf)
Freddie Ramos and the beach monster, 2023: title page (Jacqueline Jules)
Associated languageeng