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Hugh, of Balma, active 13th century

LC control no.n 94006953
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHugh, of Balma, active 13th century
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Variant(s)Balma, Hugh of, active 13th century
Balma, Hugues de, active 13th century
Balma, Hugo de, active 13th century
Hugh, de Balma, active 13th century
Hugh, of Balma, 13th cent.
Hugo, de Balma, active 13th century
Hugues, de Balma, active 13th century
Hugh, of Dorche, active 13th century
Hugues, de Dorche, active 13th century
Hugo, de Dorchiis, active 13th century
Dorche, Hugo of, active 13th century
Dorche, Hugues de, active 13th century
Dorchiis, Hugo de, active 13th century
Hugh, of Balma of Dorche, active 13th century
Hugues de Balma de Dorche, active 13th century
Balma of Dorche, Hugh de, active 13th century
Balma de Dorche, Hugues de, active 13th century
Beginning date12
Catholic Church
Profession or occupationMonks Superiors, Religious Theologians
Found inCarthusian prayer and Hugh of Balma's Viae Sion lugent, 1994: galley (13th cent. Carthusian monk)
New Cath. encyc. (Hugh of Balma, Carthusian monk; exact dates not available)
TheĢologie mystique, 1995- : t. 1, t.p. (Hugues de Balma) p. 11 (Hugues de Balma de Dorche, prieur de la chartreuse de Meyriat (Ain, France))
Sol de contemplativos, 1991: t.p. (Hugo de Balma)
Hugh of Balma on mystica theology, 2002: title page (Hugh of Balma) page 1, etc. (Hugues de Balma; Hugo de Balma, sometimes referred to as Hugh of Dorche; Hugues de Dorche, Hugo de Dorchiis; Hugh of Balma of Dorche; Hugues de Balma de Dorche; Hugh said to have been of the family of Balma, or Balmey, and from an estate, a castle, named Dorche; said to have been a prior of the Carthusian House of Meyriat, 1289-1304; exact birth and death dates not known; an alternative hypothesis argues that Hugh of Balma and Hugh of Dorche were not the same person)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, April 18, 2016: Hugh of Balma page (Hugh of Balma, also known as Hugo of Balma or Hughe of Dorche; Carthusian theologian; generally acknowledged to be the author of the work Viae Syon Lugent, also known as De Triplici Via and De Theologia Mystica; identified, since the seventeenth century, with Hugh of Dorche, prior of the Carthusian Charter house of Meyriat in Bresse, 1293-1295 and 1303-1305; an alternative theory holds that the author of Viae Syon Lugent was not Hugh of Dorche but an Englishman who studied in Paris in the 1250s and was not a Carthusian; most likely theory is that he was a Carthusian prior of the Charterhouse of Meyrat and so identical with Hugh of Dorche; Viae Syon Lugent written between 1240 and 1297)
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