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Vollmoeller-Purrmann, Mathilde, 1876-1943

LC control no.n 94072677
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVollmoeller-Purrmann, Mathilde, 1876-1943
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Variant(s)Vollmoeller, Mathilde, 1876-1943
Purrmann, Mathilde Vollmoeller-, 1876-1943
Other standard no.Q1908724
LocatedParis (France) Florence (Italy)
Birth date1876-10-18
Death date1943-07
Place of birthStuttgart (Germany)
Place of deathMunich (Germany)
Field of activityPainting
Profession or occupationPainters
Found inRilke, R.M. Rainer Maria Rilke, Mathilde Vollmoeller, Briefwechsel, 1993: t.p. (Mathilde Vollmoeller) p. preceding t.p. (b. 10-18-1876 in Stuttgart; d. 7-17-43 in Munich)
Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann (1876-1943), 2010: page 21 (born Stuttgart, October 18, 1876; established a painting studio in Paris, 1906; married artist Hans Purrmann, 1912; moved to Berlin, 1916; lived in Florence, 1936-1943; died Munich, July 16, 1943)
Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann (1876-1943), 2001: page 149 (born Mathilde Vollmoeller, Stuttgart, 1876; died Munich, July 16, 1943; maintained a painting studio in Paris and exhibited at various salons,1906-1915; exiled in Florence, 1935-1943)
German Wikipedia, August 5, 2024 (Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann; born Stuttgart, October 18, 1876; died Munich, July 17, 1943; rented a studio in Paris in 1906 to establish a painting career; exhibited at multiple salons for the next 5 years; met Hans Purrmann in Paris and they married, 1912; exiled in Florence, 1935-1943; died Munich, July 17, 1943)