LC control no. | n 94074965 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | PS3545.I5785 |
Personal name heading | Willoughby, Barrett, -1959 |
Variant(s) | Barrett, Flo, -1959 Barrett, Florence, -1959 Barrette, Florence M., -1959 Willoughby, Barrett, d. 1959 Willoughby, Flo, -1959 Willoughby, Florance (Barrett) Willoughby, Florence Barrett, -1959 |
Death date | 1959 |
Found in | Ferrell, N.W. Barrett Willoughby, c1994: CIP t.p. (Alaska's forgotten lady) galleys 6, etc. (Florence Barrett, the future Barrett Willoughby b. May 1886--her birth date and birthplace have never been verified through oficial vital statistics; in later life, Barrett Willoughby managed to take at least 10 years off her age; no one could prove otherwise; Miss Florence M. Barrette; married Oliver Willoughby in Katalla, 01-24-07; Flo; Florence Willoughby) data sheet (best-selling author during the 1920s and 1930s, whose work focused on Alaska) LC data base, 08-05-94 (hdg.: Willoughby, Florance (Barrett); usagae: Barrett Willoughby; Florance [sic] Willoughby) Amer. women writers, 1982 (Florence Barrett Willoughby; b. 1900; d. 7-29-59, Berkely, Calif.; wrote under Barrett Willoughby) |