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Wilson, Charles Erwin, 1890-1961

LC control no.n 94079033
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilson, Charles Erwin, 1890-1961
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Variant(s)Wilson, C. E. (Charles Erwin), 1890-1961
Wilson, Charles E. (Charles Erwin), 1890-1961
Birth date18900718
Death date19610926
Found inNUCMC data from Dwight D. Eisenhower Libr. for Schooley, C.H. Papers, 1954-1975 (Charles E. Wilson)
nuc88-142 (hdg.: Wilson, Charles Erwin, 1890-1961; usage: C.E. Wilson)
WwWA, 1961-1968 (Wilson, Charles Erwin; ex-sec. of Defense; b. July 18, 1890; d. Sept. 26, 1961)
To secure these rights, 1947: p. iii (Charles E. Wilson, Chairman [President's Committee on Civil Rights])