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W.E.C. International

LC control no.n 95009767
Corporate name headingW.E.C. International
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Variant(s)WEC International
Weltweiter Einsatz für Christus
See alsoWorldwide Evangelization Crusade
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inA practical orthography of Gambian Mandinka, 1988: t.p. (W.E.C. International, Banjul, Gambia)
WEC International WWW Site, 13 Jan. 2006: History page (founded 1913, by C.T. Studd, as Heart of Africa Mission. later known as Worldwide Evangelization Crusade. Now WEC International)
Mit Kindern unterwegs, c2008: t.p. (WEC International) verso (WEC International e. V. (Weltweiter Einsatz für Christus))