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Schneider, Maria, 1960-

LC control no.n 95036747
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSchneider, Maria, 1960-
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Biography/History noteMaria Lynn Schneider (born November 27, 1960) is an American composer and jazz orchestra leader who has won multiple Grammy Awards. Maria was born in Windom, Minnesota. Maria and her orchestra became widely known starting in 1994 when they released their first recording, Evanescence. There, Schneider began to develop her personal way of writing for what would become her 18-member collective, made up of many of the finest musicians in jazz today, tailoring her compositions to distinctly highlight the uniquely creative voices of the group. The Maria Schneider Orchestra has performed at festivals and concert halls worldwide. She herself has received numerous commissions and guest-conducting invites, working with over 90 groups in over 30 countries.
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1960-11-27
Place of birthWindom (Minn.)
Profession or occupationComposers Musicians Jazz musicians
Found inEvanescence, p1994: label (Maria Schneider) container (composer, conductor)
Feather, L.G. Bio. enc. of jazz, 1999 (Schneider, Maria Lynn; b. Nov. 27, 1960, Windom, MN; composer, arranger, piano) viewed September 28, 2020 (Maria Schneider and her orchestra became widely known starting in 1994 when they released their first recording, Evanescence. There, Schneider began to develop her personal way of writing for what would become her 18-member collective, made up of many of the finest musicians in jazz today, tailoring her compositions to distinctly highlight the uniquely creative voices of the group. The Maria Schneider Orchestra has performed at festivals and concert halls worldwide. She herself has received numerous commissions and guest-conducting invites, working with over 90 groups in over 30 countries.)
Wikipedia viewed September 28, 2020 (Maria Lynn Schneider (born November 27, 1960) is an American composer and jazz orchestra leader who has won multiple Grammy Awards. Maria was born in Windom, Minnesota.)