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I︠U︡supov, Artur

LC control no.n 95041352
Personal name headingI︠U︡supov, Artur
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Variant(s)I︠U︡supov, A. (Artur)
Yusupov, Artur
Jusupov, Artur
Jussupow, Artur
Found inTraining for the tournament player, 1993: t.p. (Artur Yusupov)
Shkola budushchikh chempionov, 1992?: t.p. (A. I︠U︡supov) colophon (Artur Mai︠a︡kovich I︠U︡supov)
LC in OCLC, 6-29-95 (hdg.: Yusupov, Artur; usage: Artur Yusupov)
OCLC, 6-29-95 (hdg.: I︠U︡supov, Artur; usages: Artur Jusupov; Artur Yusupov)
Effektives Endspieltraining, c1996: t.p. (Artur Jussupow)
Invalid LCCNno 97047298