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Felsenthal, Bernhard, 1822-1908

LC control no.n 95046249
Personal name headingFelsenthal, Bernhard, 1822-1908
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Felsenthal, Bernard, 1822-1908
Felsenthal, B. (Bernhard), 1822-1908
Found inNUCMC data from American Jewish Archives for Eppstein, E. Diaries, 1871-1903 (Bernhard Felsenthal)
DcAmB, 1931 (Felsenthal, Bernhard, Jan. 2, 1822-Jan. 12, 1908; rabbi; s. Simon and Eva (Gall) F.; b. Bavaria; came to U.S. in 1854 and went to Chicago; m. Caroline Levi (d. 1863); m. Henrietta Blumenfield (d. 1901); leader in Reform Judaism)
LC data base, 05-11-95 (hdg.: Felsenthal, Bernard, 1822-1908; hdg.: Felsenthal, B. (Bernhard), 1822-1908; usage: B. Felsenthal)
NUC pre-56 (Felsenthal, Bernhard, 1822-1908 (20 entries); Felsenthal, Bernard, 1822-1908 (1 entry))