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Rankine, Claudia, 1963-

LC control no.n 95080152
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3568.A572
Personal name headingRankine, Claudia, 1963-
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Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1963
Place of birthKingston (Jamaica)
Field of activityPoetry--Authorship Playwriting Essays Poetry--Study and teaching
AffiliationColombia University Yale University Williams College Case Western Reserve University Academy of American Poets
Profession or occupationCollege teachers English teachers Literature teachers Visiting teachers Authors Poets Dramatists Essayists
Found inNothing in nature is private, c1994: t.p. (Claudia Rankine) p. 79 (b. in Kingston, Jamaica, 1963; visiting assist. prof. of English at Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland)
Wikipedia, Apr. 10, 2017 (Claudia Rankine (b. 1963, Kingston, Jamaica) is a poet, essayist, playwright and the editor of several anthologies; she is the author of five volumes of poetry, two plays and various essays; educated at Williams College and Columbia University; presently she is the Frederick Iseman Professor of Poetry at Yale University and a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets)
Associated languageeng