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Sedlec-Prčice (Czech Republic)

LC control no.n 95122707
Geographic headingSedlec-Prčice (Czech Republic)
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Geographic subdivision usageCzech Republic--Sedlec-Prčice
Found inŽaket (Firm). Český Merán, Sedlec-Prčice, plán města, c1994.
GKP. Atlas ČSSR, 1984 (Sedlec-Prčice, shown in Bohemia)
Slovenská kartografia. Autoatlas ČSFR, 1991 (Sedlec-Prčice, shown in Boh.)
Not found inBGN card 7-28-95; BGN gaz. Czechosl., 1955
Geographic area codee-xr---