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Pike, David L. (David Lawrence), 1963-

LC control no.n 96037400
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPike, David L. (David Lawrence), 1963-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Other standard no.0000-0001-7679-6963
LocatedWashington (D.C.)
Field of activityLiterature Education
AffiliationAmerican University (Washington, D.C.)
Profession or occupationAuthors Scholars College department heads College teachers
Found inPassage through hell, 1996: CIP t.p. (David L. Pike) data sheet (Pike, David Lawrence; b. 1963)
American University website, viewed January 22, 2021: faculty profile page (David Pike, Professor and Department Chair, Literature; current projects include cold-war culture after the cold war)
Urban undergrounds, 2025: ECIP title page (David Pike) galley (David Pike is Professor of Literature and Film at American University, USA)
Associated languageeng