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Hindman, John

LC control no.n 96109759
Personal name headingHindman, John
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Found inNUCMC data from Library of Congress Manuscript Division for His Letter, 1814 (Hindman, John)
The answer man, c2009: container (John Hindman, producer, director, writer)
IMDb, Nov. 3, 2010: (John Hindman, producer, director, writer, credits 2004-present)
IndieWIRE internet article, "Spirituality and Fathers and Sons: "The Answer Man" Director John Hindman; interview, July 24, 2009," viewed Nov. 1, 2009: (grew up in San Francisco Bay Area; began as stand-up comic; saw Rocky when 10 - release 12/76; est. b. 1966 or 1967?)