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Kistemaker, Jacob, 1917-2010

LC control no.n 96121708
Personal name headingKistemaker, Jacob, 1917-2010
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Kistemaker, J. (Jacob), 1917-2010
Kistemaker, Jaap, 1917-2010
Found inThe Chinese sky during the Han, 1997: CIP t.p. (Jacob Kistemaker)
JSTOR WWW Site, 22 June 2007: The Chinese sky during the Han review page (Jacob Kistemaker, physicist, Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics of the Leiden University in Amsterdam)
Proceedings [of the International Symposium on Isotope Separation], 1957: t.p. (edited by J. Kistemaker)
Netherlands National Library WWW Site, 22 June 2007 (hdg.: Kistemaker, Jacob, 1917-)
Dutch Wikipedia WWW site, June 8, 2010 (Jacob (Jaap) Kistemaker; b. Apr. 23, 1917, Kolhorn; d. May 28, 2010, Bilthoven; Dutch physicist and professor)