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Adams, Charles Follen, 1842-1918

LC control no.n 96123043
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAdams, Charles Follen, 1842-1918
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LocatedBoston (Mass.)
Birth date1842-04-21
Death date1918-03-15
Found inLibrary of Congress Manuscript Division for His Papers, 1878 (Adams, Charles Follen; author)
WwasWAm, 1897-1942 (Charles Fellen Adams; author; born Dorchester, Mass., 21 Apr. 1842; served in Civil War; wrote humorous poems in German dialect; home in Boston, Mass.; died 15 Mar. 1918)
LC database, 12-26-96 (hdg.: Adams, Charles Follen, 1842-1918)