LC control no. | n 97012516 |
Geographic heading | Fort Augustus (Scotland) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Scotland--Fort Augustus |
Variant(s) | Kilcumein (Scotland) |
Found in | Blundell, O. Kilcumein and Fort-Augustus, 1914: p. 1 (the name Kilcumein-still universally used in Gaelic-was changed by Gen. Wade about 1729 to Fort-Augustus; midway between Fort William and Inverness) USGS-GNS, Feb. 4, 1997 (Fort Augustus; PPL; 57 ̊ 08' 00"N, 4 ̊ 41' 00"W; UK) Nat. Lib. of Scotland OPAC, Feb. 5, 1997 (hdg.: Fort Augustus (Scotland)) |
Geographic area code | e-uk-st |