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Franz Schneider Brakel (Firm)

LC control no.n 97053604
Corporate name headingFranz Schneider Brakel (Firm)
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Firma FSB
FSB-Schneider Brakel GmbH + Co.
Schneider Brakel (Firm)
Found inTürdrücker der Moderne, c1991: verso t.p. (FSB--Franz Schneider Brakel; Brakel) p. 82 (Firma FSB (Franz Schneider Brakel); in Brakel, Kreis Höxter; concentrates on door and window fittings & metal accessories) p. 90 (FSB Franz Schneider Brakel; founded 1881 in Iserlohn by Franz Schneider as belt manufacturer; after WWI production changed from furniture fittings to builders' hardware)
Das deutsche Firmen-Alphabet, 1993: p. 405 (FSB-Schneider Brakel GmbH + Co.; Brakel)
Deut. Bundes-Adressb., 1993/94: p. 1173 (under Brakel, Westf.: FSB-Schneider Brakel GmbH + Co.)