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Bukreev, Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich, 1958-1997

LC control no.n 97073009
Personal name headingBukreev, Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich, 1958-1997
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Бубреев, Анатолий николаевич, 1958-1997
Boukreev, Anatoli, 1858-1997
Boukreev, Anatoli Nikoliavich, 1858-1997
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inThe climb, 1997: CIP t.p. (Anatoli Boukreev) info. from publr. (one of the top high-altitude climbers in the world; climbed Mount Everest in May 1966; a native of USSR, resides in New Mexico) galley (Anatoli Nikoliavich [sic] Boukreev)
The climb, 1999: t.p. (Anatoli Boukreev) p. 4 of cover (died in an avalanche while climbing in Nepal on Dec. 25, 1997)
Wikipedia, Apr. 18, 2011 (Anatoli Nikoliavich Boukreev (Russian: Анатолий Николаевич Букреев = Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich Bukreev); b. Jan. 16, 1958 in Korkino, USSR; moved to Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan in 1979; naturalized a Kazakh citizen in 1991; mountain climber, including Everest; d. Dec. 25, 1997 in an avalanche on Mount Annapurna, Nepal)