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Carey, Jacqueline, 1964-

LC control no.n 97088503
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3603.A74
Personal name headingCarey, Jacqueline, 1964-
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Variant(s)Carey, Jacqueline (Jacqueline A.), 1964-
Birth date19641009
Place of birthHighland Park, Ill.
Field of activityFantasy fiction, American
AffiliationLake Forest College
Profession or occupationAuthor
Found inAngels, 1997: CIP t.p. (Jacqueline Carey) galley (B.A. degrees, psychology and English literature, Lake Forest College, 1986)
Phone call to publisher, Sept. 4, 1997 (author's date of birth is 10-09-1964; middle initial is "A.")
Kushiel's dart, 2001: ECIP t.p. (Jacqueline Carey)
Author's website, Feb. 2, 2001 (Jacqueline Carey; b. in 1964, Highland Park, Ill.; 1st novel, Kushiel's dart; previous publications include various short stories, essays, and a nonfiction book), July 29, 2011 (lives in west Michigan)
Associated languageeng