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Tonge, Jonathan

LC control no.n 97101325
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTonge, Jonathan
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Variant(s)Tonge, Jon
Tonge, Johnathan
Birth date19621001
Found inHis Northern Ireland, 1997: CIP t.p. (Johnathan Tonge) book t.p. (Jonathan Tonge)
Peace or war? c1997: t.p. (Jon Tonge) p. x (lecturer in politics, Univ. of Salford)
Labour's landslide, 1998: CIP t.p. (Jonathan Tonge) galley (lecturer in politics, Univ. of Salford; author of Northern Ireland and co-editory of Peace or war) pub. info. (Jonathan Tonge, b. 10-01-62)