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Visitor, Nana

LC control no.n 97854632
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVisitor, Nana
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Tucker, Nana, 1957-
Birth date1957-07-26
Place of birthNew York (N.Y.)
Profession or occupationVoice actors and actresses Tap dancers
Actors Dancers
Special noteActress, tap dancer, daughter of Nenette Charisse.
Data contributed by the Dance Heritage Coalition for the New York Public Library Dance Collection.
Found in*MGZR Visitor, Nana [Clippings] (T.V. Guide, June 19, 1993, p. 11)
Prentice Alvin, 1999: container (performer: Nana Visitor)
Wikipedia, 30 November 201d7 (Nana Visitor; born Nana Tucker; born July 26, 1957 in New York, New York; American actress)
Associated languageeng