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Cahen, Albert, 1846-1903

LC control no.n 97874227
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCahen, Albert, 1846-1903
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Variant(s)d'Anvers, Albert Cahen
Cahen d'Anvers, Albert
Birth date18460108
Death date19030223
Place of birthParis, France
Place of deathCap-d'Ail, France
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposer
Special noteOC.
Data contributed by the Dance Heritage Coalition for the New York Public Library Dance Collection.
Found inNYPL Dict. Cat. of the Dance Coll., 1974-
His Fleur des neiges, [1888]: title page (Albert Cahen).
Oxford Music Online; Cahen, Albert, viewed 17 Sept. 2012 (Cahen, Albert [Cahen d'Anvers] (b Paris, 8 Jan 1846; d Cap d'Ail, nr Monte Carlo, 23 Feb 1903). French composer)
J. Paul Getty Museum; Albert Cahen d'Anvers, web page viewed 17 Sept. 2012 (Albert Cahen d'Anvers, portrait by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1881... former pupil of CeĢsar Franck)