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Ferguson, Will

LC control no.n 98012888
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPR9199.4.F47
Personal name headingFerguson, Will
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Variant(s)Ferguson, William Stener
Associated countryCanada
LocatedCalgary (Alta.)
Birth date1964-10-09
Place of birthCanada, Northern
Field of activityAuthorship
Travel writing
Profession or occupationTravel writers Novelists Editors
Found inWhy I hate Canadians, c1997: t.p. (Will Ferguson) t.p. verso (Can. CIP hdg.: Ferguson, Will; copyright stmt.: William Stener Ferguson)
Hokkaido highway blues, 1998: CIP t.p. (Will Ferguson) data sheet (b. 10/09/64)
Road trip Rwanda, 2015: t.p. (Will Ferguson) dust jacket flap (spent five years in Asia, based in Japan, with travels to Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, and China; lives in Calgary)
Wikipedia, May 10, 2016: Will Ferguson (William Stener "Will" Ferguson (b. Oct. 12, 1964) is a Canadian travel writer and novelist best known for his humorous observations on Canadian history and culture)
LAC internal file, December 3, 2018 (heading: Ferguson, Will; variant: Ferguson, William Stener; born and raised in Northern Canada; lives in Calgary, Alberta)
Ferguson, Will. 419 [ER], 2012: t.p. frame (Will Ferguson) also by frame (Happiness, Spanish Fly, Coal Dust Kisses, Beyond Belfast, Hitching Rides with Buddha, Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw, Canadian Pie; editor of The Penguin Anthology of Canadian Humour; songwriter)
Equivalent(s)Ferguson, Will
National bib agency no.1002K9614E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc