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Star wars, episode I, the phantom menace (Motion picture)

LC control no.n 99005466
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingStar wars, episode I, the phantom menace (Motion picture)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Star wars, episode I
Star wars, the phantom menace
Phantom menace (Motion picture)
Star wars, episode 1, the phantom menace
Star wars, episode one, the phantom menace
Star wars (Motion picture). Phantom menace
Found inReynolds, D.W. Star wars, episode I, 1999: CIP galley (Star wars, episode I)
IMDb via WWW, 1/22/99 (Star Wars: Episode I--The Phantom Menace (1999))
Invalid LCCNno 99032281