LC control no. | n 99009004 |
Geographic heading | Luso (Portugal) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Portugal--Luso |
Variant(s) | Junta de Freguesia de Luso (Portugal) |
Found in | Luso no tempo e na história, 1987: t.p. (Cinquentenário de elevação a vila, Vila de Luso, 1937-1987; Junta de Freguesia de Luso) p. 6 (one of eight "freguesias" located in the "concelho da Mealhada") p. 11 (map of the freguesia de Luso, showing towns and borders) BGN gaz., Portugal, 1961 (Luso; ppl; 40°,23ʹN, 8°,23ʹW; located in the district of Aveiro; no others listed with same name) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 40°23ʹ00ʺN 008°23ʹ00ʺW) |
Geographic area code | e-po--- |