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Eyck, Aldo van, 1918-1999

LC control no.n 99254523
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEyck, Aldo van, 1918-1999
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Variant(s)Van Eyck, Aldo, 1918-1999
Birth date1918-03-16
Death date1999-01-14
Found inHertzberger, H. Aldo van Eyck, c1982 t.p. (Aldo van Eyck) p. 121 (b. 3/16/18, architect)
Aldo van Eyck, 2002: p. 5 (b. Mar. 16, 1918 in Driebergen (Paesi Bassi), grew up in London and Zurich) cover p. 4 (Aldo van Eyck, 1918-1999)
Aldo Van Eyck, collected articles and other writings, 1947-1998, c2008: p. 651 (d. Amsterdam, Jan. 14, 1999)