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Gleysteen, William H

LC control no.n 99263312
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGleysteen, William H.
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Variant(s)Gleysteen, William Henry, Jr., 1926-
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1926-05-08
AffiliationUnited States. Department of State
Profession or occupationDiplomats
Found inGleysteen, William H. Massive entanglement, marginal influence, 1999: t.p. (William H. Gleysteen)
Nominations of Frederick L. Chapin, of New Jersey, to be Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1978: page [111] (William Henry Gleysteen, Jr.; present position: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; born: May 8, 1926) page [113] (William H. Gleysteen, Jr., of Pennsylvania, to be Ambasador to the Republic of Korea; been in government service continuously since 1951; work has all been in the Foreign Service)
Associated languageeng