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Cabot, Meg

LC control no.n 99832138
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3553.A278
Personal name headingCabot, Meg
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Variant(s)Кэбот, Мэг
קאבוט, מג
See alsoWorks by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: Cabot, Patricia; Carroll, Jenny; Cabot, Meggin
Cabot, Meggin
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Cabot, Patricia
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Carroll, Jenny
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Birth date1967-02-01
Profession or occupationNovelists
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inCabot, Meg. The princess diaries, 2000: t.p. (Meg Cabot)
Shadowland, c2000: t.p. (Jenny Carroll) copyr. (Meggin Cabot) p. 3 of cover (writer, under a pseud., of historical romance novels)
WWW, Oct. 31, 2000 (fine arts degree, Indiana Univ.; wrote The princess diaries under the name Meg Cabot, and The mediator:Shadowland under the name Jenny Carroll, the first books in two series for young adults)
Info. from TM, Jan. 11, 2001 (A recent alumni magazine form Indiana University has an article about Patricia Meggin Cabot, who writes romance novels under the names Patricia Cabot, Meggin Cabot, and Jenny Carroll)
Contemp. authors online, May 7, 2001 (Meg(gin) Cabot; b. Feb. 1, 1967 in Bloomington, Ind.; writes romance novels under the names Patricia Cabot, Meg Cabot, Meggin Cabot, and Jenny Carroll; r. New York, N.Y.)
Meggin Patricia Cabot Website, July 7, 2003 (books by Meggin Patricia Cabot are intended for a mature audience. Younger readers may wish to visit Meggin's other sites, and
Meg Cabot Website, July 7, 2003 (here you will find books about princesses, ghosts, reluctant heroines, orphans ... etc.; Meg Cabot also writes as Jenny Carroll and for older readers as Meggin Cabot & Patricia Cabot)
OCLC 51185514: Místo pro princeznu! 2002 (hdg.: Cabot, Meg; usage: Meg Cabotová)
Associated languageeng