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Clarke, George, 1974-

LC control no.nb2007023481
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingClarke, George, 1974-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Clarke, George, RIBA
Associated countryGreat Britain England
LocatedNotting Hill (London, England)
Birth date19740527
Place of birthSunderland (Tyne and Wear, England)
Field of activityCollege teaching Architecture
AffiliationChannel Four (Great Britain) Channel Five (Great Britain) University of Nottingham. School of the Built Environment
George Clarke + Partners
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Architects
Found inBuild a new life, 2007: t.p. (George Clarke)
George Clarke WWW Site, 15 Oct. 2007: Background page (RIBA)
Wikipedia, viewed 2 September 2014 (George Clark, architect, born 27 May 1974, Sunderland, England, lives in Notting Hill, London. He is a television presenter, architect, lecturer and author. He is a visiting professor at Nottingham University, School of the Built Environment, and has presented programmes on both Channel 4 and Channel 5. In 2011 he set up his own company George Clarke + Partners)
Associated languageeng