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Benga, Daniel

LC control no.nb2008005294
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBenga, Daniel
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Other standard no.0000000382590843
Birth date1972
Field of activityLiturgy Church history Economy (Orthodox Eastern theology)
AffiliationUniversität München
Profession or occupationPriests College teachers
Special noteURIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.
Found inDavid Chytraeus (1530-1600) als Erforscher und Wiederentdecker der Ostkirchen, 2006: t.p. (Daniel Benga)
Die missionarischen Herausforderungen unserer Kirchen in der säkularisierten Gesellschaft, c2021: t.p. (Daniel Benga) p. 204 (Daniel Benga; priest and professor of liturgy, patrology and Ancient Church history at the Training Facility for Orthodox Theology of the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich)
ISNI database, searched April 15, 2021 (Daniel Benga; born 1972)