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Niemczyk, Krzysztof

LC control no.nb2009024553
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNiemczyk, Krzysztof
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Birth date1938-05-21
Death date1994-01-19
Place of birthWarsaw (Poland)
Place of deathKraków (Poland)
Field of activityLiterature Painting Music
Profession or occupationAuthors Painters Musicians
Found inKurtyzana i pisklęta czyli Krzywe zwierciadło namiętnego działania albo inaczej Studium chaosu, 2007: t.p. (Krzysztof Niemczyk) website, February 25, 2016 (Krzysztof Niemczyk; born May 21, 1938 in Warsaw; died January 19, 1994 in Kraków; a legendary figure of Kraków's artistic life; author, painter, musician)
Associated languagepol