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Bosshardt, Alida Margaretha, 1913-2007

LC control no.nb2009027554
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBosshardt, Alida Margaretha, 1913-2007
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bosshardt, A. M. (Alida Margaretha), 1913-2007
Bosshardt, Majoor (Alida Margaretha), 1913-2007
Bosshardt, Alida, 1913-2007
Other standard no.0000000072662629
Birth date1913-06-08
Death date2007-06-25
Place of birthUtrecht (Netherlands)
Place of deathAmsterdam (Netherlands)
AffiliationSalvation Army
Found inEen rijk leven!, c 2009: t.p. (Majoor Bosshardt) p.7 (luitenant-kolonel Alida Margaretha Bosshardt; Salvation Army in the Netherlands) p.9 (luitenant-kolonel A.M. Bosshardt; born 8 June 1913) back cover (Majoor Bosshardt (1913-2007))
Dutch Wikipedia, viewed January 12, 2021 (Alida Bosshardt ; born in Utrecht, 8 June 1913, died in Amsterdam, 25 June 2007)