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Theophilus, of Edessa, 695-785

LC control no.nb2011029113
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTheophilus, of Edessa, 695-785
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Variant(s)Thawafil, 695-785
Theophilus ibn Tuma, 695-785
Theophilos, of Edessa, 695-785
Biography/History noteAstrologer, historian, and translator. He was chief astrologer to the Caliph al-Mahdī in Baghdad, and he wrote Arabic treatises on astrology, a book on military forecasts, and translations from Greek into Syriac.
Birth date0695
Death date0785
Profession or occupationTranslators Historians Astrologers
Found inTheophilus of Edessa's chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam, 2011: back cover (astrologer in the court of the Muslim caliphs from the 750s to the 780s)
Wikipedia, 8 Nov. 2011: Theophilus of Edessa page (Theophilus of Edessa (695-785 CE), also known as Theophilus ibn Tuma and Thawafil ; Greek medieval astrologer and scholar in Mesopotamia)
"Theophilus of Edessa," The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity (online), viewed on September 5, 2024 ("Syriac astrologer, historian, and trilingual translator"; chief astrologer to the Caliph al-Mahdī (775-85) in Baghdad; wrote several treatises in Arabic on astrology, and a book on military forecasts, translations from Greek into Syriac)
Associated languageara syc grc