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Armstrong, Vic, 1946-

LC control no.nb2013001474
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingArmstrong, Vic, 1946-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Armstrong, Victor Monroe
Associated countryEngland United States
Birth date19461005
Place of birthFarnham (Dorset, England)
Profession or occupationStunt performers Motion picture producers and directors
Found inThe true adventures of the world's greatest stuntman, 2012: t.p. (Vic Armstrong)
Wikipedia, 19 January 2013 (Victor Monroe Armstrong, born 5 October 1946, Farnham Common. He is a British film director, stunt coordinator, second unit director, and stunt double)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 92019808