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Groskop, Viv

LC control no.nb2015009957
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGroskop, Viv
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryEngland
LocatedLondon (England)
Birth date1973
Field of activityArt Journalism Stand-up comedy
Profession or occupationJournalists Comedians
Found inI laughed, I cried, 2014: t.p. (Viv Groskop) page before t.p. (an arts writer and stand-up comedian; she has written for most daily newspapers)
How to own the room, 2019: title page (Viv Groskop) back cover (lives in London)
LAC legal deposit form, February 25, 2019 (Viv Groskop; born 1973)
National bib agency no.1036L8078E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc