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European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

LC control no.nb2017010018
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingEuropean Federation of Psychologists' Associations
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Variant(s)EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations)
See alsoPredecessor: European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations
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Beginning date2001
Associated countryBelgium
Associated placeEurope
LocatedBrussels (Belgium)
Field of activityPsychologists--Services for Psychology--Practice Psychology--Research
AffiliationEuropean Federation of Psychology Students' Associations
Found inEuropean psychologist, Sept. 2001: p.2 of cover (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations, EFPA) p.215 (at its General Assembly held in London on 7-8 July 2001, the name of the federation was changed from European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations to European Federation of Psychologists' Associations; name change reflects its intention to represent psychology in Europe as a whole, as a science as well as a profession; Head Office in Brussels) ; June 2001: p.2 of cover (European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations, EFPPA)
Its website, viewed 9 May 2017: home p. (European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations; EPFA) about p. (leading Federation of National Psychologists Associations; forum for European cooperation in the fields of academic training, psychology practice and research; founded in Germany in 1981 as European Federation of Professional Psychologists' Associations) contact p. (EFPA Head Office, Grasmarkt 105 / 39, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium)
Associated languageeng