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Kloster Bordesholm

LC control no.nb2019000036
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingKloster Bordesholm
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Variant(s)Augustiner-Chorherrenstift (Bordesholm, Germany)
Bordesholmer Stift
Stift Bordesholm
LocatedBordesholm (Germany)
AffiliationAugustinian Canons
Found in"Liber sanctae Mariae virginis in Bordesholm ...", [2018]: back cover (... des Augustiner-Chorherrenstifts in Bordesholm) p. 21 (... des Bordesholmer Stifts)
German Wikipedia, viewed 2 January 2019: under Kloster Bordesholm (Kloster Bordesholm was an Augustinian Canons monastery; founded in Neumünster in 1125, relocated to Bordesholm around 1330; existed until 1566, when it was secularised)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek auth. file, viewed 2 January 2019 (hdg.: Stift Bordesholm)