LC control no. | nb2020005211
Descriptive conventions | rda
LC classification | PG5440.21.U33 NcU
Personal name heading | Kucbelová, Katarína, 1979-
Browse this term in LC Authorities or the LC Catalog |
Associated country | Slovakia Czechoslovakia
Located | Bratislava (Slovakia)
Birth date | 1979
Place of birth | Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)
Field of activity | Authorship
Affiliation | Literárne informačné centrum
Profession or occupation | Authors
Found in | Čepiec, 2019: title page (Katarína Kucbelová) page 4 of cover (born in 1979 in Banská Bystrica, lives in Bratislava and works as a cultural manager in Literárne informačné centrum, founder of literary prize Anasoft litera)
Associated language | slo