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Lehne, Friedrich

LC control no.nb 98010341
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLehne, Friedrich
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Associated countryFrance Germany
Associated placeMayenne (France)
Birth date1771-09-08
Death date1836-02-15
Place of birthGernsheim (Germany)
Place of deathMainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Field of activityNewspaper publishing
Profession or occupationPoets College teachers Historians Journalists Jacobins
Found inEinige Bemerkungen über das Unternehmen der gelehrten Gesellschaft zu Harlem, 1825 (statement of resp. not cited)
BL RS&CD, 22 Jan. 1998 (Friedrich Lehne)
Friedrich Lehne : Revolutionspoet, Frühdemokrat, Journalist, [2018]: title page (Friedrich Lehne) page 7 (Lehne was 21 in 1792)
Wikipedia, viewed June 27, 2018: entry heading (Friedrich Lehne) translated text (German literary man, Johann Friedrich Franz Lehne, born September 8, 1771 in Gernsheim am Rhein, died February 15, 1836 in Mainz; joined the Mainz Jacobins in 1792; worked in France and Germany, city librarian of Mainz (1814-1829), newspaper publisher, regional historian; professor of Fine Science in Mayence, France)