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Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1873-1956

LC control no.nb 99150247
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTrenchard, Hugh Montague, 1873-1956
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1873-02-03
Death date1956-02-10
Found inThe Trenchard touch, c2000: p.15 (Hugh Montague Trenchard, born in Taunton, 1873) index (Hugh Montague "Boom" Trenchard)
WWW, 1961: (Trenchard, 1st Viscount of Wolfeton; Marshal of the R.A.F. Hugh Montague Trenchard, Baron, born 3 Feb. 1873, died 10 Feb. 1956)
The birth of British airpower, 2024: CIP t.p. (Hugh Trenchard) galley (Sir Hugh Trenchard; Viscount Trenchard; "Father of the Royal Air Force"; elevated to the House of Lords in 1930; commissioner of Metropolitan Police; he died in 1956)
Associated languageeng