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Foley, Gaelen

LC control 00015986
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3556.O3913
Personal name headingFoley, Gaelen
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See alsoFor works of this author written in collaboration with Eric Foley, search also under: Foley, E. G.
Alternate identity: Foley, E. G.
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LocatedLibrary (Pa.)
Place of birthPittsburgh (Pa.)
Field of activityHistorical romance fiction
Profession or occupationAuthor
Found inPrince Charming, 2000: t.p. (Gaelen Foley) p. 3 of cover (B.A. in literature from State Univ. of New York at Fredonia; r. Library, Pa.)
Wikipedia, Feb. 12, 2016 (Gaelen Foley (b. November 16 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) is an American writer of romance novels.)
Her website, Feb. 12, 2016 (Gaelen Foley author of twenty-plus historical romances. Gaelen lives in western Pennsylvania with her husband, Eric, with whom she co-writes middle grade fantasy adventure novels under the pen-name, E.G. Foley.)
Foley, E. G. Rise of allies, 2014: title page (E.G. Foley), colophon, about the authors (E.G. Foley is the pen name for a husband-and-wife writing team who live in Pennsylvania ... By contrast, "G" (Gael, aka Gaelen Foley) has had one dream all her life ... writing fiction! After earning her Lit degree at SUNY Fredonia, she waited tables at night for nearly six years ... to keep her days free for honing her craft, until she finally got the call in 1997. Today, with millions of her twenty-plus romances from Ballantine and HarperCollins sold in many languages worldwide, she's been hitting bestseller lists regularly since 2001 ...)
Associated languageeng