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Wise, Greg, 1966-

LC control 00036703
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWise, Greg, 1966-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1966-05-15
Place of birthNewcastle upon Tyne (England)
Field of activityActing Motion picture authorship Motion pictures--Production and direction
Profession or occupationNarrator of audiobooks
Actors Screenwriters Motion picture producers and directors
Found inMadame Bovary, c2000: credits (Greg Wise)
OCLC, 5/23/00 (hdg.: Wise, Greg; usage: Greg Wise)
Internet Movie Database web page, 5/23/00 (b. 5/15/66)
Wikipedia, Jan. 29, 2019 (Matthew Gregory Wise (born 15 May 1966 in Newcastle upon Tyne) is an English actor and producer.)
Stoker, Bram. Dracula [SR], 2019 : publisher supplied information (Read by Greg Wise & Saskia Reeves)
IMDb, March 22, 2022: (Greg Wise; actor, writer, producer)
Associated languageeng