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Polak, Leo, 1880-1941

LC control 00042902
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPolak, Leo, 1880-1941
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Polak, Leonard, 1880-1941
Polak, L. (Leo), 1880-1941
Birth date1880-01-06
Death date1941-12-09
Found inSpigt, P. Leo Polak 1880-1941, 1967: t.p. (Leo Polak)
Encycl. Judaica (Polak, Leonard (1880-1941); Dutch philosopher; follower of Marburg Neo-Kantian school of philosophy)
RLIN, June 5, 2000 (hdg.: Polak, Leo, 1880-1941 ; usage: Leo Polak, L. Polak)
Wikipedia, December 22, 2020 (Leonard (Leo) Polak (born Steenwijk, January 6, 1880, died Sachsenhausen, December 9, 1941) was a Dutch philosopher and lawyer)
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