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Wild, Frank, 1873-1939

LC control 00044376
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWild, Frank, 1873-1939
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Variant(s)Wild, Frank, 1874-
Wild, Frank, b. 1874
Wild, John Robert Francis, 1873-1939
Birth date1873-04-18
Death date1939-08-20
Profession or occupationExplorers
Found inShackleton's last voyage, 1923: t.p. (Commander Frank Wild, C.B.E.)
OCLC, June 22, 2000 (hdg.: Wild, Frank, 1874- ; usage: Frank Wild)
Oxford DNB WWW site, 12 Mar. 2008 (John Robert Francis Wild, b. 18 Apr. 1873; d. 20 Aug. 1939; Antarctic explorer)
James Caird Society journal, via National Library of New Zealand's Digital Archive, viewed on June 28, 2021: PDF page 23 (John Robert Francis (Frank) Wild (1873-1939))
Associated languageeng