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Murray, Patty, 1950-

LC control 00077999
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMurray, Patty, 1950-
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Variant(s)Johns, Patricia Lynn, 1950-
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeWashington (State)
Birth date19501011
Place of birthBothell (Wash.)
AffiliationUnited States. Congress. Senate
Profession or occupationLegislators Politicians
Found inNine and counting, c2000: p. ii (Patty Murray)
OCLC, Sept. 25, 2000 (hdg.: Murray, Patty; Murray, Patty L., 1950- ; usage: Patty Murray)
Senator Patty Murray's biography WWW page, Sept. 25, 2000 (senator from Washington State, b. Oct. 11, 1950)
Wikipedia, Nov. 15, 2012 (Patty Murray; Patricia Lynn "Patty" Murray (née Johns; born October 11, 1950, Bothell, Washington); United States Senator from Washington and a member of the Democratic Party; assumed office January 3, 1993)
Associated languageeng