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United States. Defense Security Service

LC control 00098457
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingUnited States. Defense Security Service
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Variant(s)DSS (United States. Defense Security Service)
United States. Department of Defense. Defense Security Service
See alsoPredecessor: United States. Defense Investigative Service
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Successor: United States. Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
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Hierarchical superior: United States. Department of Defense
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Beginning date1997-11
Ending date2019-06-20
Found inU.S. Cong. House. Comm. on Government Reform. Subcom. on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations. Defense Security Service oversight, hearing ... 2000: t.p. (Defense Security Service) p. 1 (Department of Defense (DOD); DOD's Defense Security Service; DSS) p. 42 (DSS [predecessor] was est'd in 1972)
Defense Security Service's web site,, at About DSS, 12/5/2000 (formerly known as the Defense Investigative Service (DIS), DoD Reform Initiative #2 redesignated DIS as the Defense Security Service (DSS) in Nov. 1997)
DCSA ACCESS, summer 2019: page 6 (June 20, 2019, Defense Security Service was officially renamed Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency)
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency website, Dec. 23, 2019: About Us, History, Personnel Security (Dec. 29, 1971 Secretary of Defense memorandum established Defense Investigative Service, became operational on Oct. 1, 1972)