LC control no. | no2001028517 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Mitevska, Labina |
Variant(s) | Митевска, Лабина |
Associated country | Macedonia United States |
Associated place | Tuscon (Ariz.) |
Birth date | 1975-09-21 |
Place of birth | Skopje (Macedonia) |
Affiliation | Sisters and Brother Mitevski (Firm) Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave University of Arizona |
Profession or occupation | Actresses Motion picture producers and directors |
Special note | Non-Latin script reference not evaluated. |
Found in | Before the rain [MP] 1994: credits (cast, Labina Mitevska) Č WWW site, February 9, 2018: Labina Mitevska page (Labina Mitevska; born 21 September 1975 in Skopje; studied art history and archaeology at the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje and at the University of Arizona in Tucson; actress; speaks Macedonian, Czech, English, and German) <> Wikipedia, February 9, 2018: Czech Labina Mitevska page (Labina Mitevska; Macedonian form of name: Лабина Митевска; Macedonian actress and producer) Macedonian Labina Mitevska page (Labina Mitevska; born 11 October 1975 in Skopje) <> Sisters and Brother Mitevski Production website, February 18, 2018: Home page (Sisters and Brother Mitevski, Macedonian film production company founded by siblings Labina Mitevska, Teona Strugar Mitevska and Vuk Mitevski in 2001) <> |
Associated language | mac cze eng ger |