LC control no. | no2001029356 |
Personal name heading | Cocke, Philip St. George, 1809-1861 |
Found in | [Call for enlistment of Virginians in the Potomac Military Department], 2000: broadside (Signed, Philip St. Geo. Cocke) Historical Times illustrated Encycl. of the Civil War, 1986 (Cocke, Philip St. George, CSA; b. Fluvanna Cty., Va., 17 Apr. 1809; graduated U.S. Military Academy, 1832; left military life and became a farmer, wrote Plantation and farm instruction in 1852; when Civil War broke out was appointed brigadier general in command of the Confederate frontier district at the Potomac River; committed suicide 26 Dec. 1861) OCLC, 9 Apr. 2001 (hdg.: Cocke, Philip St. George, 1809-1861) |