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Renevey, Denis

LC control no.no2001033256
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRenevey, Denis
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Associated countrySwitzerland England
Associated placeOxford (England) Fribourg (Switzerland) Lausanne (Switzerland)
Birth date1960-06-26
AffiliationUniversité de Lausanne. Faculté des lettres. Section d'anglais
Profession or occupationEnglish teachers Medievalists
University and college faculty members
Found inWriting religious women, 2000: title page (Denis Renevey) page ix (lecturer in Medieval English literature at the universities of Fribourg and Lausanne)
Medieval texts in context, 2008: ECIP title page (Denis Renevey) data view (born June 26, 1960)
Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, viewed April 27, 2021 (authorized access point: Renevey, Denis; other data in authority record: specialist in Medieval English literature; he was professor of English at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland (as of 2000), then director of the Département de langue et littérature médiévales anglaises at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland (as of 2010))
Université de Lausanne, English Department website, viewed April 27, 2021: link to Medieval Literature page (Renevey, Denis, professeur ordinaire; studied at Fribourg, Switzerland; obtained his doctorate at the University of Oxford in 1993)
Associated languageeng fre
Invalid LCCNno2001038345