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Ahrens, Ralf

LC control no.no2001047620
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAhrens, Ralf
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Birth date1963
Profession or occupationHistorians College teachers
Found inGegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe, 2000: t.p. (Ralf Ahrens)
Die Dresdner Bank, 1945-1957, 2007: t.p. (Ralf Ahrens) p. 505 (b. 1963, Dr. phil.)
Die "Deutschland AG", 2013: page 377 (Dr. Ralf Ahrens; research assistant at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam; historian; taught history at the university Jena)
Associated languageger